Sunday, December 21, 2008

It IS Beginning to look a bit like Christmas!

It is officially Christmas here in southwest Louisiana. It begins when my sister or I call the other one and hold the phone near the radio when Jose Feliciano's "Feliz Navidad" plays ("Feleece Nabeeblah"?!). When did this start?? Ah, family traditions. It has to be turned up loud and always ends with uproarious laughter. This ritual has taken place in some very odd places...the car, in the kitchen while baking cookies, restaurants, Christmas shopping...It has to be a completely serendipitous recording - no fair putting on a CD. The one who calls first wins.

In that vein, I've added new music, did you notice? Jose is first on the list. That one is for you Barb. "I wanna Hippopatomus" is near the end - that one is for you Ash. Click the play button and use your mouse wheel to scroll through the tunes if you want to hear them. I didn't want it to compete with playing the "Elf Yourself" gadget below, so it is not set to autoplay. Anyway, the selections run from the sublime to the ridiculous. Some very traditional, some not. But all remind me of a particular person, a place we lived or a memory. Some make me laugh, others move me to tears. Hope we share one in common. Is one of yours on the list?

I absolutely could not resist posting the dancing elves from Jib Jab. (Thanks to Geneva for starting this whole thing.) It has definitely provided a lot of laughs and cross fire emails from friends and family across the country! If you make one don't forget to send the link to me so I can enjoy it too! Share, share.

1 comment:

Babar said...

Well, I WON this year! You'll have to be faster on the phone trigger next year. Jose would love to know that his song could cause so very much hilarity and mirth around our households at this time of year. God, we had a "Twilight Zone" moment, 'cause I have had the "Hippopotamus" song on my brain for the last week...great blog, li'l flower...