Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

What a special day. You can almost feel the snap and crackle of anticipation in the air. It has an entirely different personality and character from it's younger sibling - Christmas Day. Last minute errands are being run, last packages wrapped and tucked under trees, kids out of school and just a little more 'wired' than usual. Down here we can't just send them out to burn off that energy playing in the snow. Not having any youngsters currently underfoot, I wonder what the southern equivalent is?

I have been in the mood since before school let out. As most of you know, we had an early, unanticipated Christmas gift during the early morning of December 11 in the form of a brief but fantastic snowfall! So rare in these parts. Last time we had any accumulation was Feb. 1988! Once in 20 years may sound like heaven to those of you who are used to dealing with it regularly. But down in these parts, it is a true Christmas miracle. And believe me judging by the number of folks up at that hour and reveling in it, there were a lot of happy witnesses to the wonder of nature's early holiday present. I had heard we might get some, but being the Ebeneezer I am, I've heard that before and went to bed with "Bah, humbug" on my lips. Upon rising in the dark for work, I went to the window sans contact lenses, and didn't see anything other than the typical blurry brightness under the nearby streetlamp. Muttering something about weather people being boiled in their own Christmas pudding, I proceeded about my morning rituals. When what to my wondering ears should appear, but dear hubby leaving for his morning walk shouting up "IT'S SNOWING!!". Please picture if you will, yours truly out in her flapping nightie in bare feet with camera. Sorry for putting out your minds eye with that image. ;-) But here's proof! (Not of the nightie part, Silly. My mamma didn't raise a fool...-well, maybe one. *chuckle*. After all, what goes on the Internet stays on the Internet for all time in the clouds.) When watching the video below, keep your eye up near the street light. Enjoy!

Brings out the child in me. We have "Hurricane Days" but not "Snow Days".

Thankfully no Highway Patrol were nearby to catch me videoing this!


Savor the sweet anticipation of the day. Wish we could all be together to laugh and enjoy each others company. Merry Christmas to us all and God bless us everyone!


Babar said...

Aw, shucks, I SO want snow! You lucky devils...nothin' like the white stuff to get you in a holiday mood. Great shots of it sticking to the cars, and even a snowman??? Bruce is probably laughing to beat the band out there in Alaska; doesn't take much to get these Loosianna folk excited!

A Philly said...

My favorite is the picture of the mini snowman. Whaddyou use for his hat and other features, jelly beans? Cute stuff. Merry Christmas!!!