Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

It's clear and cold here. Fireworks are going off all over town. The excitement and newness is palpable! May 2009 prove to be full of promise and opportunities for us all.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!


Babar said...

Nice selection, Cath, I like the Mannheim Steamroller and the Guy Lombardo the best. Let's hope the uncertainties with the economy right themselves and this year gets its sea legs asap. Love you guys, happy new year!

Cathie said...

Heh heh, your age is showing....both of them! Guy Lombardo - well that speaks volumes. But then so does Mannheim Steamroller (that is a particularly nice version isn't it?). You have your feet in both worlds. Not a bad way to be, eh?

Oh yes! Let's hope the uncertainties and economy iron themselves out!!