Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time Keeps on Slipping...into the Future

Hoo hoo! Well as the title states, time just has a way of getting away from me! But 6 1/2 months? Pulleeze! That is unforgivable. So I am back and will try keeping up a bit better than I have been. Mea Culpa, my friends!

So just what has been happening to keep me so diverted, you ask? I would tell you, but I would have to kill you...so let me begin...

Of course with last year's hurricane season, our school lost ~5 weeks of the Fall semester. We tried to recoup by extending Fall semester classes right up to the day before Christmas Eve, then continuing several weeks into January - ending on Friday. Then Spring semester began the following Tuesday after Martin Luther King Day. No prep time to do grades, graduate folks, and begin the new semester. In essence we were all "behind" from day one. And let me tell you! It showed in the toll it took on our students and our faculty! *Whooee* Haven't seen a drop rate that high in a looong time. Thankfully that is now behind us and 'God willing and the creek don't rise', we will not have a repeat performance this hurricane season...which we are now officially in.

It is also now officially SUMMER. Ha! I am done with Spring classes, grading, graduating etc. But am still having to finish projects that I couldn't get to during the semester. 1 minor and 1 major item should be finished (read that "must be finished") by July 4th. That is the plan anyway. Getting there slowly... Then I have to teach myself "a foreign language" before Fall starts! Yes folks, I must learn Java programming before I can teach it in the Fall. This will be interesting! Know of any good Internet classes out there in same???

Now I heard that! "Awww, Dang! Poor Cathie! She works so hard! How does she do it?
No rest and still she cooks, cleans, quilts and brings home the bacon & fries it up in a pan!" Well, ok I would be lying if I let you think that. It won't be all work, sweat and toil. Shhhhhh, Frank doesn't know it, but two of the most important women in his life are coming down day after tomorrow to help him celebrate his birthday on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday! Yay! What? You say but he may read this here and spoil the surprise? Have no fear Dear Readers (the optimist in me added the "s")... Frank doesn't do blogs! See what he is missing? *Giggle* Anyhooo, won't he be surprised to see Kimberly and Ash stroke into the house on Thursday? Can't wait to have them here with us. A present for me as much as Frank!

And then... F and I will be leaving to visit my sister & hubby in Californ-eye-A on July 6th-13! The plan is for the 4 of us to drive up the northern CA coast, stopping at various B&B's along the way to Bend, Oregon. Barb & I will go to a world renowned (well it IS if you are a quilter!) quilt show in Sisters, Oregon. http://www.sistersoutdoorquiltshow.org/showdayinfo.htm. How nice they named that town in our honor, eh? Check out these pics of previous shows and see if you don't agree...pretty cool, eh? http://www.sistersoutdoorquiltshow.org/photogallery.htm . The guys are going to tear themselves away to hike in the mountains while we peruse the textile arts! I will be delighted with the climate and to rest my eyes on wooded, cool, mountainous scenery. Nice change from the flat, hot climate here in SW Louisiana & SE Texas!

Then it will be home again to knuckle down to Java for me. Ah the joys of learning new things. They say if you keep your mind engaged and actively learn new things, you can stave off the onset of Alzheimer's Disease. So this is me trying to stay sharp...oh, look! a rabbit!...


Babar said...

Was it a white rabbit??!!
So nice to type to Ash's golden tones. Also, nice to see you've come up for air, aaaaaand, with a clean computer. No Alzheimer's in this family; all Blouins and Ransoms have been clear of that, at least. Now, firewater is something to steer clear of.

Cathie said...

*Giggle* Uh no...no white rabbit! That implies a whole other type of addiction! (Giving away my age aren't I?!)
Glad you found me again Babar!