Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Saga of "The Door" - Ta Da!

Many of you have been following along with the sad tale of "THE DOOR".

For those not in the know, we have been trying to replace our front door ever since Hurricane Rita hit in Sept,2005. (Did you know that Rita was the 4th most intense Atlantic storm ever recorded? You would never know it from all the press that Katrina is still getting.)

Anyway we had many, many delays...lack of contractors, vendors disappearing, lost invoices, 4 separate doors ordered and sent back for wrong color, warped, cupped, inadequate installation...yada yada. I mean, really! It's just a door! Ok, it was custom and mahogany but still. We could have built an entire neighborhood of houses in the meantime. (Let it go, Cathie.)

We finally found a business in Houston ( I highly recommend them) who custom makes doors, frames and glass inserts to your specifications and patterns. They had it done in less than 6 weeks, the center is twice as thick as the original pattern we had chosen, and the cost was almost half what the original local vendor asked. It is nice and heavy and is seated perfectly in the frame that came with it. Plus they were able to do a transom to match which none of the others could. It has an old world New Orleans feel to it. (Just what every colonial style house needs! ;-))

The overhanging portico on our front door was twisted in Rita, Ike bumped it a bit more and separated it slightly from the front of the house on one side. So we got new columns and re-aligned/attached the portico also.

So finally after 3 years! Don't you love a story with a happy ending?


Babar said...

Wow! Now that's a door--and the columns are so fresh and pretty. I love it, as must you. The pattern on the glass is spot-on. Worth the wait, as I see it. We should all be very thankful we have jobs at all and ones that matter, to boot. Hope things get back to normal soon and that your lost students trickle back in, Cath.

Anonymous said...

Wow, woW, WOW! Just gorgeous, Cathie. And having seen the last incarnation, this one LOOKS custom-made. I like that you went from glass just on top to all the way down. That dark hallway will benefit from that. Love the detail. Yay!
(I'm doing my happy dance for you.)

A Philly said...

well i for one think it looks like the trash monster threw up on the house.

SIKE! LOVE. IT. Thank the lauwd it's finally finished, and with such great results.