Saturday, October 18, 2008

Something Wicked This Way Comes

At last, we are starting to feel the first stirrings of Fall down here. (Our first cool snap is due tonight and we may see the 50's!!) It is more a change in photoperiod than temperature that is causing the stirrings in me but I will take what I can get! Please use the wheel on your mouse to scroll over the list of Halloween inspired tunes on the left, and click those you wish to hear while you read. Am I missing a good one, your favorite maybe? Let me know, I'll hunt for it to add to the list!

This is my absolute most favorite time of year! Perhaps it is because I was born in the Fall and associate the season with the excitement of my "big day", but I have a true fondness for the coolness, the color changes, and all things spooky at this time of year.
As a child, at the start of school up north, we would be issued these series of English/grammar/lit books at the start of school. They always opened with stories of autumn, raking leaves, pumpkins, smell of woodsmoke - you could burn leaves in the open back then. I particularly remember a story in one of my elementary english books of two children whose father helped them plant pumpkins in the summer to be carved for Halloween. They waited and cared for the vines all summer with diligence and much anticipation. Sadly EVERY single baby pumpkin died, withered or fell off by the big day. They were devastated.... until the kindly next door neighbor asked them when they would pick their pumpkin. Confused, they explained how all the fruit had died. The neighbor drew them into his yard where one lone tendril had found it's way under his fence and there before their eyes was a gorgeous, huge pumpkin!! That story always stuck with me obviously! What a treat. Even the books smelled "fall-ish". I used to open them and breathe deep. (Ha! Little did I know it was the moldy smell of being stored away in a cabinet all summer.) Magical.

My mother always added to the Halloween frenzy. My first real neighborhood of memory (we moved alot) was in Mt. Vernon, Virginia. We landed in a GREAT new neighborhood with lots of kids. The parents planned major Halloween parties with loads of group participation. It was a "moveable feast" from house to house through the woods using ropes strung from tree to tree with rotten tomatoes on them... teenagers dressed as ghosts in the distance warning us not to take our hands off the ropes! Down into a basement for rides on small trains, bobbing for apples and a *shivery scary* visit with "The Witch" for your fortune. The witch had the best, most realistic cackling laugh...and oddly she wore the same rings on her hands that my mother wore! Well, at least she had good taste.
I have always been a true horror movie fan as well, I still am, but some of today's movies are a bit much for me in my advancing age. I can remember the very first horror show I got to see on TV - Frankenstein and the Wolfman! My parents were out of town and we had a lady sitting for us. We had all fallen asleep in front of the tv and I woke up to "Shock Theater". I've been hooked ever since and spent many, many hours at Saturday matinees at the Beach or Bayne Theater in Virginia Beach - The Seven Skulls of Jonathan Drake, The Beast from the Haunted Cave, The Tingler and The Tell-Tale Heart....classics of B movie genre!

So in honor of the season, next weekend we will be dusting off "It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" and "Garfield's Halloween Adventure" (thank you, Kimberly) which is an entirely underrated seasonal cartoon with Lou Rawls as Garfield's singing voice. Here's hoping for even cooler temps and looking for some of those chills up our spines -one of the channels is airing a week of classic scary movies. Eeee! Pass the popcorn please!


Babar said...

So now, after all these years, I understand why you introduced our three young innocents to "Aliens" when we visited Newark that one year! He he he, you were just revisiting a childhood terror...I can still see Mike and Jeff, their eyes popping when Bishop came unglued. I love all your musical selections and of course, the story about the magical Halloweens at Mount Vernon Park neighborhood. Those rings Mom wore were dead giveaways. But, do you remember sleeping outside with those bulky shipping crates from Dad's travels over our heads, arranged like forts? We had flashlights and it was so cool and scary; I understand how our cats get when they finally get outside and become "vairy wary"...And when, at the same house, you got stung by bees when Dad was taking out a tree stump? I will visit your blog again tomorrow to hear all your Halloween repertoire. Good seasonal ruminations, ma soeur. A plus tard,

Anonymous said...

Oh Barb - She did the same thing to me and my friends when we were little. My all time scariest movie was "Poltergeist" shown to me by Cathie. At my 25th Grade School Reunion, my old girlfriend said, "Remember how your Stepmom showed us Exorcist? I still can't watch scary movies to this day!" (We were 11 or so at the time.) But I'll say this, I still LOVE scary movies. It's so rare to find a good one these days...

A Philly said...

Haha- looks like you just love to spread that scary love all around, huh?

Good stories, very visual. And thanks for making all of my halloweens just as exciting too.

A Philly said...

new blog! bloG! blOG! BLOG!!...neW BLOG!!...nEW BLOG!!...NEW BLOG!!!