Sunday, October 5, 2008

The calm before a new storm

Well, it's back to school officially for the students tomorrow. We teachers returned last week. How different it will be. How do you cram 7 buildings worth of students and classes into one building for an indefinite length of time? VERY CAREFULLY!! and with alot of humor. We've been joking that for many of us teaching conditions will harken back to the 60's! *gasp* No technology! Shadow puppets anyone? ;-)

This should be interesting to say the least. But everyone, including me, is very ready to resume our lives and move on. We just want to salvage the semester for us all. It will also be interesting to see just how many of our students return and to hear their stories.

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's wishing you, your fellow co-workers and students LOTS OF LUCK! Say, is your new front door in yet???