Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Peek Into Our World

We hear so much about the devastation of Galveston and Houston. And believe me, they are significant, but let me show you what you aren't seeing on the news.

These photos were sent by a co-worker/friend of the Bridge City area just south of Orange from where we draw a significant number of our faculty and students. Out of 3,500 homes in this town, only 14 homes, (yes! I said 14) did not have any storm surge flooding in them. Sadly my department head is one of the unlucky ones... doubly so. Not only did she lose her entire home, but her building at school was flooded - she lost her office contents and her classroom contents too. It takes a special kind of strength to keep going after that.

1 comment:

Babar said...

Why is it that the media doesn't cover much of the aftermath? I feel for her neighbors in their 80s having to start over...overwhelming. Good thoughts to them and all in recovery mode.