Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another day in Paradise

Actually it was a bit like Paradise today. That high pressure from the north that pushed Ike to the west of us has brought us 2 days of glorious, dry and cool weather. I actually had all the windows open all day today and the breezes gently blew through the house. So nice....

Got a message that any faculty or staff at our school who had offices on the first floor of any building except mine will be allowed to "look & leave" their offices tomorrow between 9am and 1pm to remove any personal items. I may run over to see if I can help some of those who need it carry stuff and to see the damage for myself.

I was in the checkout line at SAM's today and thought I recognized the lady ahead of me. She turned and it was obvious she knew me. "Aren't you Mrs. P?" That clinched it. She had to be one of my students - we've only met in class about 3 times so far so I still don't know them all. She ran up and hugged me. "So you're shopping all the way over here too?" she asked. When I told her no, I live here, she was surprised and seemed delighted for me(?!). She was with her mother and her young daughter and they had driven in from Vidor, TX just to get provisions. Said they weathered the storm alright, but her mother had to leave her damaged home to live with them and they still had no power. You just have to feel bad for folks. And she was so concerned about what would happen to the semester. Don't you love a student like that?

On an entirely different, non-storm related note, those of you who have been following the continuing saga of our front door, you'll be happy to know that we took delivery of the latest replacement long before the hurricane hit! But it has been sitting in our garage in it's crate ever since...yes, the cars had to sit out in the driveway during the storm. A bit worrisome. But installation day is scheduled for next Monday!! Yay! At that time we will be getting brand new columns and have the porch overhang re-attached to the house. It had been twisted and loosened in an earlier storm and this one just clinched it. The installer is finally available. Whoo hoo!

On that happy note, I will go into that good night and dream sweet dreams!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! We're having the same kind of weather. During the storm, it was god-awful hot and humid. Since Tuesday it's been cool and dry so like you, I've got all the windows open. So refreshing!
Had a job interview this morning with an agency that is in the next town over. It would be so nice not to have to commute an hour each way (I know you understand what that's like). I should hear back by early next week. Keep your fingers crossed for me. :)