Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today I drove into Orange to see my school and give moral support to a friend. I wasn't quite prepared for what I saw. Took lots of pictures and will get them posted tomorrow, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, thanks to Sula for sending a link to some excellent photos of the area including Galveston. Pictures Number 20 and 24 were taken right by my school. I pass this cemetery every day on my way to work. So sad.

Til tomorrow....


Babar said...

Those pictures are just plain sad...what force and horror it must have taken to dump all that water and debris and ruin so many homes and businesses? You guys were so lucky it didn't fall on Calcasieu parish, but the poor people in Texas, there just aren't words. There was a post from Friendswood, did you see it? Sounds like it was bad there, too. Hope Quakertown is still okay. Amazing photos...

Cathie said...

Yes, Quakertown is up and running. They only took a little water in the front of the store. Thank goodness for small blessings.

Actually, Calcasieu parish did get hit pretty hard. I drove towards downtown yesterday and the city is telling residents to put their debris out on the curb for pickup. The mountains of carpet, foam padding, chairs, desks, boxes, files etc. lining the streets is absolutely astonishing. I wonder where it will all go.

Donna, one of the nurses in my quilting group, is responsible for the narcotics records at Surgicare. They have to be originals of the prescriptions and not copies. Of course all their files were flooded. She brought an iron from home and spent the day laying the records out to dry and then ironing all of them to salvage them. When others saw what she was doing, they teased her about it, but surprise, surprise...showed up at her door later asking if she would also do this or that item for them too.