Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ike Day +1

I can't believe this, but it is raining gently but steadily today. This is more rain than we got with the hurricane. Very strange.

We are still fine and dandy here as long as we don't try to go out and actually do anything. Most stores and services are closed. Not enough people here to work them. And the grocery store shelves were pretty empty before Ike hit anyway as they had only been partially re-stocked after Gustav.

Reports show that the real worry has come to pass...storm surge. While Lake Charles did not get the brunt of the storm, many places here in town are totally underwater. Thankfully most have peaked and are on the down side, but this rain can't help.

Hearing from work friends who evacuated and those that didn't. Orange, TX got hit pretty badly and Bridge City is cut off from the world due to flooding. We draw most of our students and faculty from there (and Beaumont). So I don't know what to think about school re-opening tomorrow or the next day.
Here are pictures from the area around my school and some of the streets leading to the school:

On page 1, pictures #7 (police car on the feeder road next to I-10), #10 & #11 show roads that I drive on to get to or around the school. Pretty sad....

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