Friday, September 12, 2008

9:00 p.m. Update

Well, we definitely have some wind going on out there now. We are on the wrong side of the storm.... the side that gets the water. And it is "spittin'" too. But I really think we have dodged a bullet here. Lucky, lucky.

The Martins - our neighbors down the street on the bayou - reported around 7 pm that the bayou level had risen and was half way up their back yard. That's how far it made it up when Rita blew through. I think the tides are different for this storm. More storm surge expected.

They just showed a water rescue on TV down around Cameron parish. And Galveston is getting lashed. But thankfully, the storm didn't intensify as much as they expected. *Whew*

The bad news is that it is such a HUGE storm area wise. (Jim Cantore - the Weather Channel James Bond dude - says it is larger than all New England states put together!) So we will be wet for another 24 hours from it.

More later....


Babar said...

Now you're talking like the sister who ran through flooded streets with me in Virginia Beach during Donna and Cleo back in 1960 and 1964!

I can understand your reluctance to leave...although your nephew Jeff says "I'll take an earthquake of 40 seconds duration any day over the effects of a hurricane."

Bonne chance, ma soeur!

Steph said...

Geez, now my Aunt and my Mom are on Blogger. What has the world come to?!?!?

Cathie said...

Well Steph, who says you can't teach old dogs new tricks? Of course, I am talking about your mother here. ;-)

A Philly said...

Bet that private jet to the safehouse in Chicago's lookin' pretty sweet right about now, huh?

I'm thinking of you guys (and the coons of course). Thanks for setting this up for more immediate updates.

Steph said...

Cathie, I think Frank should video you blogging outside in hurricane wind and rain, like the guys on the weather channel.

Babar said...

steph, your momma and your aunt are just right up there ahead of the curve...who do you think taught you all your tricks? he he he

Cathie said...

Yes, Barb, how well I remember the downed powerlines and running in the flood waters of Donna in Virginia Beach! Hmmmm....there is a message in there somewhere.

Heh heh, yes Ash, that safe house is looking mighty appealing at the moment. However, I notice you didn't offer it until the Lake Charles airport closed! :-)

And Steph, we have opted not to have Frank video me outside in the weather. Jim Cantore would lose his job as my charisma in a storm and under pressure is unsurpassed!!