Saturday, September 13, 2008

We're Alive!

And we have electicity! That's the truly amazing thing.

It is still blowing up a storm out there... (get it?)! Not as bad as last night, but still pretty stiff breeze. -- Whoa, just got hit by a MAJOR gust.

Why do these things always go "bump" in the night? There is something so primeval about huddling in our"cave" in the dark, praying to the gods that this too shall pass and contemplating the mysteries of it all. I understand completely why early mankind thought these events were manifestations of living things.

But I digress ;-) ....

Got very little real sleep last night. I was convinced that the large oak tree in the front yard by the driveway was going to crash on the house. And of course IF it did, it would land on my side of the bed. So did I sleep downstairs? Oh no, Frank was in bed already and I figured if the tree fell then the three of us would go out together. (oh did I mention the cat was in the bed too. Had you worried didn't I?)

Raining horizontally and very dark at this moment. Wait 5 minutes and it will brighten....

Here is the "after" picture of our back yard so you can get a feel. Very little damage, just messy:

So we are alive and well at the moment. I don't think we are entirely out of the woods yet given the windy conditions and the rising water in the bayous and lakes. But I'm feeling pretty good about it now that the light god has returned! What a ride.


Babar said...

Whoo hoo! You are lucky to still have power,etc. I was watching NOAA last night, and there were two tornadoes that went right by you: went through Fenton, Iowa, Jennings, Lake Arthur, Lacassine, not necessariy in that order. Wanted to call you and tell you: SLEEP DOWNSTAIRS, you fools! The worst is over now, right?

Cathie said...

Really! Hadn't heard about the tornadoes, but hey I guess my earlier comment about the red & white striped tights and ruby slippers weren't that far off!

I do believe the worst is behind us, but I'm guessing the way it is still blowing, we could still lose power. Sure hope not!!

Anonymous said...

whew! I'm so relieved that you made it through the night and that you still have power. Amazing.