Saturday, September 13, 2008


So we are gradually working our way out from under the wind. But now have tornado watches everywhere til 7:30 p.m. I have been receiving tidbits of information from various sources around us. My school is right on the Sabine river. Parts of the school are flooded as the levee broke nearby. Apparently "whitecaps" were seen as far inland as a couple of miles from the break. One report I had is that my building is ok - my office is on the second floor thankfully. But several friends from school have flooded homes and only just recovered and rebuilt this past Spring from Hurricane Rita back in 05. *sigh* What a mess.

Frank's school is closed at least through Monday. No word on mine, but would be surprised if we open. Have to give time for evacuees to return and the city of Orange, TX is closed right now. No one allowed in or out right now.

On a happier note, 3 of our hummingbirds came back today. Fighting over the new bottles of food. Two out of 13 of our racoon horde showed up last night around 10:00 pm for food. But only one juvenile showed up today during daylight hours for food. Must have been starving to risk it during the day. It even stayed and ate while Frank was chopping up the downed limbs.

My apologies for the hokey many of you recognize the song? Hmmm??? It was the theme song for the old 1972 movie "The Poseidon Adventure"! I feel like we've lived an Irwin Allen adventure. (Later: I have turned off the "autoplay" feature now; it's getting annoying. If you want to hear it, scroll to the very bottom of this page and press the play button.)

Thanks to all of you who have touched bases and touched my heart. The blog comments, emails and calls kept our spirits up - especially last night during the unknown. Humor is a wonderful thing. Stay in touch! Feel free to comment or join as a "Follower". Heh heh Makes me feel somewhat Messianic!!


Babar said...

Some of us remember Maureen McGovern's song, from 1973, no less, and the original Poseidon Adventure even more--Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine and Shelley Winters, what a cast! Hope you're not mucking through water like they did next week heading back to Texas. Great blog, l'il sis...

Cathie said...

Thank yew, Thank yew vuhrah much (a la Elvis).

Nope, we aren't mucking through water here. But the reports out of Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange don't sound too good. Think kind thoughts for those folks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for turning off the music! I had that song stuck in my head all morning. Poseidon Adventure was one of my all time favorite movies as a kid. Amazing how hearing a tune can be associated with a movie, memory, etc.

Cathie said...

*Chuckle* I know what you mean. It drills into my head too. It also plays over video chatting etc. or while you are trying to surf the web. So it definitely was getting annoying. :-)

I will take requests for new tunes! Hey how about one from that great group "The Eames Era"?! ;-)