Friday, September 12, 2008

Waiting on Ike

Folks have been calling and showing concern for us, so I will try and put updates every hour or so until/if we lose power!

I think we are as ready as we can be. We have loads of batteries, candles, food, & water. We've moved everything that's loose from the backyard and have filled the bathtubs with water to flush toilets should we lose power. We have gas in the cars - though where we would go is beyond me. West will get the major brunt of the storm. East is still without power due to hurricane Gustav. Ike is due to hit Galveston, loop up thru Houston, curve around to Dallas and go north of us, so north is out.

So far, this whole hurricane thing has been very low key; almost a non-event. Yay! After Rita in 'o5, I have no desire to live like that again. Ike is supposed to be affecting us later tonight into morning tomorrow. But nothing much to report so far.

Very breezy, lots of leaf debris in the yard, the odd burst of showers. But so far, so good!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Thanks for sending this my way! Will definitely be logged on for updates ;)