Saturday, September 20, 2008


As promised, here is a link to some photos showing a little of the damage to our school. There are captions under the pictures, so if you are on a laptop, you may need to scroll down to see them.

Sorry for the delay, I was trying a couple of ways to include these with some dialog. Maybe next time.

Please remember that all this cleanup work is being done pretty much in the darkness of the buildings and no air conditioning. It is dirty, hot and extremely smelly work... as in *GAG*. (The dead fish from the river had been taken away already thankfully when these shots were taken.) I could only include pics of those buildings we could get into. The speed at which the remediation teams and our staff are working is phenomenal. As you can see alot of the walls were cut down just a few days post Ike to prevent molding.

The school is like a ghost town otherwise, no cars, no people except the few you see in the pics.

The admin is estimating that we will be back open for classes by Monday, October 6. (Probably sans walls etc.) They are also hinting that we will not have a Christmas break and will forgo our usual "mini" sessions and run right through til Christmas Eve and then up to Winter session. Should make for a very interesting school year.

While you are watching, try and imagine if this were your office or home.....

"LSCO & Ike" Slideshow


Babar said...

We watched your photos tonight, Cath, so sad, so are you ever going to get back to normal? And are we ever going to get to Galveston for the quilt conference in February? Nice job putting these together. Did you take all the photos? Godspeed with the recovery...

Cathie said...

Yes, I took most of them. But because I was still in flip flops (stupidly left rubber shoes in the car), and the floors were so slick with silt, I didn't go too far into the buildings. The floors were worse than ice. I gave my camera to my friend Cindy to shoot the interior Student Center shots. It's her reflection you see in the raquetball court glass and the high water mark photo in the print shop. Those are her photos of the computing center and physical plant crews and damaged furniture in the back of the building.

Well, we shall see about the February quilt retreat. It could go either way or they may just move it more inland. The real test will be the International Quilt Festival at the end of this October. I am wondering what they will do about that.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

Sula said...

Hey Cathie.....
Wow! This is so disheartening! Our families did okay-worst damage to Lee J's office and Laura's & Frank's store in Bm't. Don't know how you guys stay smiling, let alone sane! We are thinking of you all down there.
Have read your blog since the beginning and love it. I don't often respond (please, no hard feelings) Just not a good blogger and Malcolm is even worse. Know that we are thinking of you and sending love. Post pics of the new entrance when it's done! :-)