Saturday, September 13, 2008

And then...

The lights have flickered several times. Heard some pops and loud bangs from a block or so away. But still have power obviously.

The wind is still loud and scary forceful, and it is HOT and muggy out. But still very little rain. Odd. Can hear a chirruping frog or bird in the bush/dirt outside the window. I'll take that as a positive sign...

Will try and get some sleep.
Good luck with that.


Babar said...

Just watched the weather report before turning in here at 11:50 pm in California. They're still talking about the surge and wave action being massive with such a huge storm. Poor Galveston...hope it all skirts around you guys while you're tucked in. Later, gators.

A Philly said...

Alright, I'm going out on a limb here, but bear with me. As appealing as it may seem, do not, I repeat, DO NOT go outside. Trust me, it's unpleasent. Scary sounds = stay indoors.

I'm with you every step of the way and watching the storm as it goes.

I (-NO-) like Ike.

Look for your button in the mail.

Anonymous said...

Morning, don't know if y'all will have power this morning but for the rest of us who are checking in, I thought I would post a link for people to get local info...

Cathie said...

Yup, I think Galveston got the brunt of it being in the direct path and being on the water. Let's hope that doesn't mess up our plans for February to do the Quilt Retreat there. These things take a LONG time to recover from.

Ash, this is me you are talking to. Aunt Barb and I are Grannie's daughters. How could I not go outside?? But I'll be looking for my button in the mail! (Still laughing...)

Thanks for the good link Kimberly. That was a smart thing to add for us given that we didn't know if power would be "up" or not this morning. Good job! Way to get into the spirit of the blog! :-)